Available Courses & Lectures
Workshop - an intensive half a day to a two day session involving practice.
Course - may involve 2-3 hour weekly sessions spread over a one or more semesters, or 1-2 weeks of half-day or full-day sessions
Leacture - a single 1.5-3 hour session
Voice and movement training:
Long term courses and workshops
For: musicians/ vocalists/ dancers/ actors
Ear and voice training for Middle Eastern modes:
Long term courses
For: musicians or specifically for singers
Sephardi traditional repertory:
Long term courses and workshops
Available in varied levels - from amateurs to professionals
Music Ensemble course:
Long term courses
Arrangements of traditional repertory + New compositions based on tradition.
For: vocalist only / vocalist and Middle-Eastern Instrumentalists
Movement as a source of music creativity:
A Workshop
For: Musicians and /dancers
The body as a musical instrument:
A course designed for Music therapists.
Has been taught at Bar-Ilan University for 19 years.
Rhythms in movement and percussion:
Tracing the connection of rhythm and movement
For: dancers and musicians
Music as a key to the roots of society
Long term course
Has been taught for 3 years in The Kibutzim Seminar.
For: Music educators and education students
Lectures/lecture demonstration.
The ladino songs as a multicultural natural fusion
Has been given at seminars of multicultural society
Melodies as home "They carried their melodies like a turtle carrying his home"
Was given in a comparative literature course at the University of Michigan
Women musical tradition - Music of life
Concert with explanation and public participation
From women tradition - to para-liturgical songs
When Liturgical songs move to woman's traditionWondering melodies.
Sephardi music tradition traveling in time and along the Mediterranean
Was given in Feb 2015 at The Frankel center University of Michigan.
Aural tradition – preserving while creating.
Was given in Feb 2015 in a Colloquium at the University of California, Santa Barbara